
Swim!: How a Shark


 Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

In Swim!: How a Shark, a Suckerfish, and a Parasite Teach You Leadership, Mentoring, and Next Level Success, American former professional basketball player, and peak performance speaker Walter Bond writes about timeless lessons that we can learn from Sharks, Suckerfishes and parasites. How to develop a shark mentality, live with the suckerfishes and manage the parasites in our lives.

Great leaders influence; bad leaders rule. A shark should recognize a suckerfish’s weaknesses or shortcomings and have a heart to help them grow and improve, knowing they are valuable.

At the core of Walter’s teaching is the sacred six:

  1. Sharks never stop moving forward.
  2. Sharks never look down; they always look up.
  3. Sharks are always curious and always learning.
  4. Sharks always respect their environment and recognize other sharks.
  5. Sharks are always flexible.
  6. Sharks always elevate their suckerfish to new levels.

“When we live in harmony with the Sacred Six, we are truly swimming like sharks. Sharks just don’t swim, they SWIM.

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