
Reduce your Expectations.


Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. – Alexander Pope

Expectation (n.), “state or condition of waiting or awaiting with confident anticipation,” from French expectation (14c.) or directly from Latin expectationem/exspectationem (nominative expectatio/exspectatio) “anticipation, an awaiting,” noun of action from past-participle stem of expectare/exspectare “await, look out for”.

We hold expectations as a form of attachment to specific outcomes. We have expectations of people while society, our parents, religion and acquaintances hold expectations on how we behave or coordinate ourselves. One of the keys to happiness that I have found most compelling is reducing your expectations of people. Humans will always be humans; they will show you their true colour; your job is not to tell them how to act; your job is to let to be who they want to be.