
Quotes of Gratitude.


Gratitude is a state of being thankful and grateful for what you have, a willingness to show appreciation for and return for a form of generosity. Gratitude is from the word “gratus” which means pleasing, thankful. One of the first things I try to do first thing in the morning is to fill a gratitude journal, stating the top 3-5 things am grateful for and I meditate about them. Giving gratitude, stating positive affirmations, and having a state of positive expectation for what you want from life.

Somedays are tougher than the other but giving gratitude daily is one of the keys to staying positive even in the trying times. A lot of our suffering and unhappiness stems from our focus on things we do not have and wanting our reality to always align with our expectations. The key to continuous joy is to give gratitude for what you have right now.

Here are 30 great quotes on Gratitude:

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