Everyone is dealing with something you know nothing about. We all try our best based on our level of consciousness, emotional state, and worldview. We are all transmitting energy all the time, either low-frequency or high frequency is based on the context. As the law of energy conservation states ” “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another”. You cannot control how other people behave, but you can control how you transmit your energy around people. We constantly transmit energy with how we talk, move, and show up.
At some point, life is going to happen to us all. It is not a matter of if; it is a matter of when. Life’s storm, grief, pain, and emotional roller coasters are inevitable. The key is to transform the pain to gain, the mess into a message and live fully to the best of your abilities. You will encounter difficult people, energy vampires, time wasters, and manipulative people on your path to greatness. It is tough dealing with this set of people, as trying to change them is like filling a basket with water. Protect your energy by being the change you want in the world, regulating your emotions, showing, not telling and being true to yourself.
“When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own – not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Emotions are currents of energy with different frequencies. Emotions that we think of as negative, such as hatred, envy, disdain, and fear have a lower frequency, and less energy, than emotions that we think of as positive, such as affection, joy, love, and compassion. When you choose to replace a lower-frequency current of energy, such as anger, with a higher-frequency current, such as forgiveness, you raise the frequency of your Light. When you choose to allow higher-frequency currents of energy to run through your system, you experience more energy.
Different thoughts create different emotions. Thoughts of vengeance, violence, and greed, or thoughts of using others, for example, create emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear. These are low-frequency currents of energy, and, therefore, they lower the frequency of your Light, or consciousness. Creative or loving or caring thoughts invoke high-frequency emotions, such as appreciation, forgiveness, and joy, and raise the frequency of your system. If your thoughts are thoughts that draw low-frequency energy currents to you, your physical and emotional attitudes will deteriorate, and emotional or physical disease will follow, whereas thoughts that draw high-frequency energy currents to you create physical and emotional health.
Lower-frequency systems pull energy from higher-frequency systems. If you are unaware of your emotions and your thoughts, your frequency will be lowered by—you will lose energy to—a system of lower frequency than your own. We say, for example, that a depressed person is “draining,” or that he or she “sucks up energy.” A system of sufficiently high frequency will soothe, or calm, or refresh you because of the effect of the quality of its Light upon your system. Such a system is “radiant.
“By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experiences of your life.”

Emotional Vampires 1
These are people who consciously or unconsciously steal your time, energy, and attention with their toxic behaviors, as if drawing the life force out of you will somehow fill them up. (It never does.) These people leave you feeling depleted, depressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, or insecure with every interaction, as if you’ve been put through an emotional wringer.
Common Types of Emotional Vampires
Needs to feel superior, doesn’t care about your feelings, and will keep you around as long as they can continue to emotionally manipulate you
Turns everything into a production, loves to gossip and create drama, and wants everyone else to get caught up in their performance
Always needs to get their way, offers unsolicited advice (and gets mad when you don’t take it), and is constantly criticizing you in an effort to be “helpful”
Dumps all of their emotions and problems on you, refuses to take any accountability, won’t implement your advice or try to change their own circumstances.
How to identify an emotional vampire
- You avoid their texts or calls.
- You dread social meet-ups that include them.
- You never know where you stand with them.
- You change your behavior specifically for them.
- You make excuses or apologies for them often.
- You don’t feel good during or after your encounters with them.
- Other people point out that your friendship is unhealthy.
“It is the implementation of boundaries, rather than just words alone, that is so important when dealing with energy vampires. You have to “cut off” their supply if you want your energy to be reserved for more important things, regardless of how the vampires try to guilt-trip or shame you. It’s crucial to “starve” an energy vampire by cutting off parasitic and one-sided interactions. If you’re no longer playing your role as host, they will inevitably move on to someone who will.

“You may not feel outstandingly robust, but if you are an average-sized adult you will contain within your modest frame no less than 7 × 1018 joules of potential energy—enough to explode with the force of thirty very large hydrogen bombs, assuming you knew how to liberate it and really wished to make a point.” —Bill Bryson
Emotionally Strong People Do Not Waste Energy on Things They Cannot Control 3
Controlling what you can and not wasting energy on what you can’t is one of the most important lessons we can learn in life. Emotionally strong people don’t waste their energy when they are stuck in bad traffic, lose their luggage, or get caught in a storm. They recognize that all of these factors are beyond their control. Instead, they focus on what they can control.
Take responsibility for the things you can control:
• Attitude—you determine how you think or feel.
• Time—you determine how you spend time and who you spend it with.
• Priorities—you determine what is important in your life and how much time you give to these essentials.
• Passion—you identify what you love and what you were created to do.
• Potential—you determine where you commit yourself to grow.
“Start paying close attention to what increases or decreases your energy and begin making adjustments to what you do. Reduce the energy depleters as much as you can. Tap into things that increase your energy capacity. And manage your energy for the things that matter most to you. Trust me—it will change your life.”
Daily Calm with Tamara – Sharpening
In meditation practice, concentration is both the engine and steering wheel. At its essence, concentration is the skill of controlling our attention. It is the ability to sharpen our focus and hold our attention on something rather than letting our minds astray and wander with each passing thought. Concentration not only strengthens our practice but also enhances our lives. The skill of concentration allows us to shape our awareness and open doorways into all kinds of fun and interesting states of consciousness.
Whether we doing something intense or serene, concentration can pull us more directly into our experience. We find greater pleasure and fulfilment when we become fully present with our actions.
Right concentration means working on achieving a one–pointed mind. If you are doing something, concentrate wholly on what you are doing.
Daily Jay with Jay Shetty – Leave Your Heart at Home
In our dealings with others, we are often advised to be vulnerable. It is not always wise; there is a real value to vulnerability, but your heart is very important. You want to be judicious about when to open up and when to keep things a little close to your chest. In some situations, it may be obvious when you should be cautious, while at other times, like when you are getting to know someone, trust is better earned, not given. Relationships are often messy. We all get hurt sometimes, but no matter what your experience has been in the past, you can always be honest, caring, and compassionate while exercising some discernment.
Daily Trip with Jeff Warren – Reactivity and the Big Picture
Reactivity happens even in meditation, we get pulled off center, sometimes it is a difficult urge we can’t resist, an emotion we don’t like, things that makes us want to be anywhere else but here. We simply notice these moments and explore what staying might be like.
- Mo Gawdat: This Is Causing 70% Of Heart Attacks In Young People! A WARNING for Workaholics!
All the best in your quest to get better. Don’t Settle: Live with Passion.
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