Life is too short to spend with things, associations, and relationships that are not serving you. You are here for a particular purpose; your job is to find out what your purpose here is and have fun doing it. If it is not fun or it stops being fun, you need to re-evaluate why you are engaging in any activity. I am a Manchester United fan, and I used to watch almost every game played by the team; as I have been supporting the team since 1998. With time I began to become emotionally engrossed with the team’s performance. I have a rule: If it stops being fun, I re-evaluate my engagement. For the past 5 years now, I don’t remember watching a full Manchester United game or any soccer game; I would rather watch the highlights.
It is the same approach that I use for anything that I am involved in. If an activity, engagement, relationship, or thing stops having an element of fun, I drop it. I try to get myself involved with a lot of activities and hobbies such as Reading, playing basketball, pickleball, running, tennis, swimming, cycling, and meditating. I have the most fun when am engaged in these activities as I usually habit stack when engaged in them. For example, when I am playing basketball; it is usually the time I use for listening to French podcasts. At the core of almost anything I do is a pursuit of joy, happiness, and fun.

Fun is underrated in our overachieving, stress-filled modern society. Many people idolize hard work and associate having fun with being childish, giving rise to ideas and expressions like “Work hard, play hard,” and “All work and no play,” in which the term play is associated with fun, perhaps irresponsible behavior, and work speaks to our responsibilities as adults.
Having fun is one of the most human things we can do. Fun, laughter, excitement, appreciation, enjoyment—these often exist in close proximity to one another. When we tap into one, we gain access to the others.
And yet, most people go through their days never asking what would be fun for them. It’s almost as if stopping and taking time to have fun would mean delaying more important things or being irresponsible. We might live entire weeks or months without choosing a single activity that is fun for us. In the worst case, we might think that by not having fun, we’re being productive grownups, as though one of the requirements of “adulting” is becoming a dull, non-fun version of ourselves.
“When you realize that having fun is an attitude and that fun is available to you even during your hardest days, you start enjoying your life more. Nothing has to change for this enjoyment to seep into your life, because it’s not the outside world that creates your enjoyment, but rather how you choose to interact with that world.”

In Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary, the creator of Linux Kernel 2, Linus Torvalds, chronicles his journey of creating Linux and distributing it on the internet for free. Linus started a revolution by following his bliss and having fun in the process. The Linux Kernel is used today for. various operating systems, and the Android OS is based on it. Linux today has 42% of the global OS market.
Basically it is short and sweet. It won’t give your life any meaning, but it tells you what’s going to happen. There are three things that have meaning for life. They are the motivational factors for everything in your life––for anything that you do or any living thing does: The first is survival, the second is social order, and the third is entertainment. Everything in life progresses in that order. And there is nothing after entertainment. So, in a sense, the implication is that the meaning of life is to reach that third stage. And once you’ve reached the third stage, you’re done. But you have to go through the other stages first.
There are three things that have meaning for life. They are the motivational factors for everything in your life––for anything that you do or any living thing does: The first is survival, the second is social order, and the third is entertainment.

Make It Fun if You Want It Done 3
Perfectionism and fun are like oil and water. They don’t mix. Perfectionism thinks fun is a waste of time and holds no value. Unfortunately, most of us tend to feel the same way.
The reason we pursue goals we don’t like is twofold: We think goals have to be miserable. We believe perfectionism when it tells us that fun goals don’t count.
Remember, perfectionism will tell you that fun doesn’t count. Even worse, it will tell you that using rewards or fears as a form of motivation to reach your goal is a crutch. You’re the only one with stupid, fun, weird systems.
The closer you get to finishing, the more interesting everything else in your life becomes. It’s as if you’ve put on distraction goggles. Things you never noticed pop up and dance tantalizingly across your vision.
- Daily Calm with Tamara Levitt -Seasons
- A shift in season can sincerely support the process of release. The earth’s natural change cycle invites people to slow down and pay attention. As the seasons change, we are given an opportunity to practice letting go.
- When summer transitions to fall, the trees become a canvas of orange and red, and the leaves slowly shed and float to the ground. We might be inspired to release beliefs that no longer serve us. When winter becomes spring, the ice melts, and the soil is cleared for new seedlings to sprout. We might use this period to clear our minds and declutter our homes, making room for fresh ideas and projects. When the wind blows away debris or the rain washes the street clean, we can mirror the earth’s inherent wisdom by shedding old habits.
- As we let go of what has not been working, we create room for what will – new beliefs, new ideas, and new intentions. Contemplate what you are ready to let go of, it maybe an outdated assumption about yourself.
To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit. – Jack Kornfield.
- Daily Jay with Jay Shetty – When to Quit.
- Moving on is not necessarily a sign of failure; as we move through life, we are often admonished not to quit, “stick with it”, “never surrender,” and “never give up.” When we are chasing our purpose, we frequently have to push through rejection and failure, which can be incredibly hard. Just as hard as it seems, you shouldn’t quit just because you don’t see success as quickly as you hoped, you shouldn’t quit due to frustration and uncertainty.
- Achievement requires commitment and perseverance. Most worthwhile goals take considerable time and effort. There are times to pivot, let go, and choose differently. Quitting, like all things, can be intentional and thoughtful, we don’t have to throw in the towel; instead, we can watch fold and return it.
- Delight and Joy Are Survival Mechanisms and Acts of Resistance | Ross Gay | Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris
All the best in your quest to get better. Don’t Settle: Live with Passion.
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