
Language Learning


Je suis un super fan de shark tank, une émission de télévision aux États-Unis. Shark Tank est mon émission de télévision préférée. J’ai regarde la plupart des épisodes de Shark Tank. Mon investisseur préféré de Shark Tank est  Robert Herjavec (Il a écrit le livre: You Don’t Have to Be a Shark: Creating Your Own Success >> Vous n’êtes pas obligé d’être un requin : créez votre propre succès).

Les investisseurs de shark tank sont: Robert Herjavec (fondateur de Herjavec Group), Mark Cuban (homme d’affaires, milliardaire et le propriétaire de l’équipe de basket-ball des Mavericks de Dallas), Kevin O’Leary (homme d’affaires canadien et co-fondateur des fonds O’Leary et SoftKey),

At the beginning of the year, I set a goal to listen to 365 podcast episodes in 2022. I have been able to set a routine that allows me to execute the set goal. I recently visited Montreal, Canada for the second time and I was fascinated by the city, french language learning opportunities and the people in general. I was in Montreal to participate in the 2022 Beneva Marathon, and I ran a personal best of 3 hours 44 minutes 14 seconds for a 42.2 KM marathon.

I stayed in Montreal for a week after the marathon, and I used the opportunity to explore the city, practice my spoken french and soak in the city. Saying that I love Montreal is an understatement, especially the opportunity to work on my spoken french. I have decided and am committing to listening to at least one hour of french material (Podcast, Music, Movie, Documentary, etc).

As part of my daily swimming regimen, I have been listening to one hour of french while swimming with the Finis DUO Underwater Bone Conduction MP3 Player. Like the 365 podcast listening challenge, I intend to listen to french at the same time daily – Early in the morning and before I sleep. Allons-y!













  1. Listening Test N°2 : La liberté d’expression en France | Little Talk in Slow French
  2. Mariage et PACS à la française | LanguaTalk Slow French:
  3. b
  4. c
  5. 198. Vivre du blogging en 2023 avec Stéphanie de La Cerise Sur Le Maillot | J’peux Pas J’ai Business par TheBBoost
  6. g
  7. h
  8. Épisode 151 – Julien Sebbag “J’ai cru proposer un concept culinaire innovant… et j’ai fait un bide !” | La Leçon, le podcast sur l’art d’échouer
  9. Crack à Paris : un fléau sans fin ? | Code source
  10. a
  11. Crise climatique : Est-ce que les COP servent à quelque chose? + Test vocabulaire ! | Little Talk in Slow French : Learn French through conversations – Transcript
  12. #206 – Les secrets de Stéphane Bern | Le Podcast de Pauline Laigneau – Vite
  13. s
  14. c
  15. Les éternels débats de Noël | LanguaTalk Slow French – Transcript
  16. d
  17. k
  18. Les fêtes de fin d’année en France | Podcast Francais Authentique Johan Tekfak
  19. Vieillir en Afrique, une affaire de famille | Grand reportage
  20. Les Français à la quête de sens au travail | Little Talk in Slow French
  21. S’unir pour exister: le combat des rappeuses féministes d’Amérique latine | Grand reportage
  22. E121 Qui est Gisèle Halimi, grande figure du féminisme français ? | InnerFrench – Transcript
  23. [Rediffusion] # 59 – Audrey Briotet, DG Dolce & Gabbana Beauty – “La force d’être vulnérable” | [Rediffusion] Comment ne pas se laisser envahir par le doute de l’entrepreneur| #Leçon4 | Le Podcast de Pauline Laigneau
  24. L’art d’être tolérant | Podcast Francais Authentique Johan Tekfak
  25. L’huile de coude | Podcast Francais Authentique
  26. Nigeria: partir à tout prix | Grand reportage
  27. E122 On termine l’année ensemble! | InnerFrench Podcast
  28. K-Pop, la fabrique d’un phénomène | Grand reportage | Une technique magique pour réduire l’anxiété – YouTube
  29. 27 : Un deuxième bébé Easy French ? | Dictée : C’est bientôt les fêtes ! | Learn To French
  30. Le gratin Dauphinois LanguaTalk Slow French | Se reposer est une forme de discipline – Francais Authentique | Street French Expressions | Expressions en français familier | Learn To French
  31. #298 – Aurélie Saada – Brigitte – S’armer de sa vulnérabilité et devenir invincible | Génération Do It Yourself

In How to Speak Any Language Fluently: Fun, stimulating and effective methods to help anyone learn languages faster, freelance journalist and language polyglot, Alex Rawlings shares the strategies, tools and techniques that have enhanced his language learning adventure. Alex has studied more than 15 languages, and he writes about languages, intercultural dialogue and multilingualism on his blog.

If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem wonderful at all.—Michelangelo

In Becoming Fluent: How Cognitive Science Can Help Adults Learn a Foreign Language, American Foreign Service Officer Richard Roberts and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Psychology at the University of Memphis Roger Kreuz argue that adults can master a foreign language if they bring to bear the skills and knowledge they have honed over a lifetime.  The authors draw on insights from psychology and cognitive science to show that Adults shouldn’t try to learn as children do; they should learn like adults.

“Adulthood is the perfect time to expand one’s horizons through the study of other languages. All too often, however, the pleasure that should be inherent in learning to speak another language is marred by negative thoughts and experiences—past and present, real and perceived.”

The authors draw research from cognitive science, as well as their experiences teaching, conducting research, learning languages, and working and travelling abroad.

As an adult language learner, you have the gift of insight—something younger learners lack. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of it.

In Fluent Forever: How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It, Language learning enthusiast Gabriel Wyner deconstructs the language learning process, revealing how to build a foreign language in your mind from the ground up. Wyner emphasized starting with pronunciation, rewiring your ears for the sounds of the new language while sharing strategies and resources such as spaced-repetition techniques, flashcards, online resources and other insights learned through his learned experience.

There is no such thing as a “hard” language; any idiot can speak whatever language his parents spoke when he was a child. The real challenge lies in finding a path that conforms to the demands of a busy life.”

“Language learning is one of the most intensely personal journeys you can undertake. You are going into your own mind and altering the way you think. If you’re going to spend months or years working at that goal, you’ll need to believe in these methods and make them your own. If you know how to approach the language game, you can beat it.”

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