
January 2024


There comes a time in any man/woman’s life when they have to look themself in the mirror and realize that who they see is the architect, driver and the only one that can change their situation. As  Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung once said: “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”  To awaken the greatness in us, one has to look in the mirror instead of focusing on the window. The mirror is a metaphor for personal responsibility/accountability, which requires self-awareness, while the window is a metaphor for the externalities that control our immediate environment. We cannot control the weather, what people do and say to us, how society is shaping up (window), but we sure can do something about how the person we see in the mirror acts and make the necessary changes needed to transform,

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”  – Carl Jung

It is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters, in the end. – Ursula K Le Guin

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” That definition is generally accepted as a way to reach goals, and it can be pressure-inducing. Achieving the most challenging goals takes time, energy, focus, discipline, and persistence. Overnight success usually takes, on average, ten years of deliberate practice and dedication. When you watch Micheal Jordan dunk the basketball, Serena hit the tennis ball, or Tiger Woods hit a swing, what you will observe in their greatness is the mastery of the process. One of the hallmarks of highly successful people is their obsession with mastering their craft; they are students of the game, and the process is more important to them than the result. They trust their process in the gym, workout session, routine, regimen, practice, drill, etc. As the saying goes, we get rewarded publicly for what we diligently practice in private.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is often attributed to saying, “‘Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” To paraphrase Gates, “We often underestimate what we can achieve in a day and overestimate what we can achieve in a year.” We all start the year with 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes, and 31,536,000 seconds deposited in our time account. Our priorities and how we use this finite resource determine how much we accomplish in each calendar year. Make every day a masterpiece, and the year will eventually take of itself. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, ” The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

7 Days of Growth with Jay Shetty is a new 7-day series on growth setting. The series teaches listeners a new approach to achieving goals called growth setting. Calm is a mindfulness and meditation app that I start my day with, and I recently crossed two years of uninterrupted meditation using this great app. According to Jay, “Goals are about what you want to do in this world. Growth is about who you’re going to be in this life.” Goals are outcomes, like launching a business, finding a relationship, or earning a degree.

When you focus on growth, hitting your goal becomes inevitable.

In Jay’s new video series on Calm, Jay explores the topic of growth setting and how it can be a mindful – and effective – way of achieving your goals and doing the things you want to do with your life. The series comprises a new 3-minute video daily, where listeners learn thDaye following skills:

  • The skill of presence: A simple yet powerful tool to harness your attention at any moment 

Day 1: The Skill of Presence

  • We focus on the results when we set goals, such as losing 10 pounds or making the dean’s list. Those are just outcomes; what about the process? When you focus on growth, hitting your goals becomes inevitable.
  • Personal Growth means being more present, focused and grateful. It means moving through life with more calm and confidence. Breathing is one of the most powerful tools for staying present and navigating the trying times.

Goals are about what you want to do in this world. Growth is about who want to be in this life.”

  • Shift your mindset: See the immediate impact of Jay’s 3-step gratitude practice.

Day 2: Shift your mindset:

  • Focus on three things that you are grateful for. Reflect on something beautiful you experienced. Think of a friendly person you crossed paths with.

Reflect on A convenience, Something beautiful and A friendly person.

  • Setting daily intentions: Learn the habit of being intentional in everyday interactions. 

Day 3: Setting Daily Intentions

  • Take a moment to check in with yourself, think of an interaction coming up, scan your emotions and reflect on the qualities you want to bring into that moment.
  • How to soften your emotions: Jay reveals the key to softening intense emotions.

Day 4: Creating Space

  • Create distance between yourself and intense emotions. The day’s challenge: Monitor your emotions and mentally note your feelings. Emotions are natural. Emotional distancing is not denying your emotions but putting them in perspective, creating space for them to become less overwhelming.

You are not the emotion that you are experiencing, rather you are a person with emotions.

  • Letting go of control: Try this 2-minute process to release control and respond wisely.
  • Things within your control: How you use your attention and respond to all the things you don’t control.
  • Reframing your self-talk: An easy technique to create a healthier relationship with yourself.

Day 5: Reframe Negative Thoughts

  • Most of our negative self-talk can evolve into unpleasant emotions, which can lead to engaging in unhealthy behaviours. Catch the thought, check the thought (evaluate), and change the thought (reframe).

Catch It, Check It and Change It.

  • Lowering your stress level: A quick sensory practice.

More Info: 7 Days of Growth with Jay Shetty

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